Sunday, November 21, 2010
pompuan dlm tv tu bertuah sbb mak die tu masih ade...mcm mane kalau die xsempat nk berubah jd anak yg baik balik?? jgn menyesal mcm aku...time ade depan mate xnampak...bile dah xde baru nk tercari2...baru nk dengar kate2 die...dah xde gune dah...menyesal la ko sepanjang idup... haish!korang ni patut bersyukur yang korang masih ade mak tau. setiap kali kawan2 aku call mak diorang...sembang lame2..manje2 ngan mak diorang..aku jeles. sbb aku xpenah merasa perasaan bile bercakap dgn mak bile duduk jauh..luah masalah n perasaan aku kat mak...aku xpenah merase sume tu...korang patut bersyukur yg korang masih ade mak lagi. haish!yg diorang ni pon satu...knape mesti nk call depan la time aku xde...jeles tau x!!!
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Symptom symptom student bila final exam minggu depan.
Membaca tanpa menghiraukan sekeliling. Yang kepoh jadi pendiam. (orang masuk keluar bilik pun tak perasan, kalau orang tanya pun muka pandang nota je, jawab pon nak tak nak. Kalau jalan.jalan tersepak batu tu, reaksi dia lambat sikit. Sebab otak full load )
Membaca dengan kadar yang cepat. (entah faham ke tak belakang kira, sebab nak jawab subjektif, hentam pon boleh, yang penting ada point nak goreng )
Nak turun café tu fikir 2,3 kali. Tak pun sekali sehari je. Tu pun bungkus.cepat. jimat masa makan kat bilik. Sambil makan boleh membaca apa yg patut.
Time nak exam baru laaa nak full semayang. Solat sunat sampai nak batal air sembahyang. Doa macam.macam. (dan.dan. tapi alhamdulillah)
Agak yang nak mereng tu start la nak bukak mp3 volume paling sakit telinga. Tapi time ni memang tak sakit telinga. Sebab sakit otak lebih dari sakit telinga.
Masa tidur pon boleh terbayang-bayang yang baca tadi(ada tu siap ambik handout letak tepi bantal. Moga-moga dapat buat daya serapan terus lagi bagus.
Masa borak dengan kawan pun cakap pasal pelajaran je. (ni part tak leh blah la. Time mandi pun ada yang tanya-tanya. Dahsyat.)
Kalau main message tu balas sikit.sikit je. Pendek pendek. Tak de mase nak fikir taip panjang.panjang.
Sebab nak exam duduk dalam bilik je. Mengadap handout, buku, nota.nota. (jadi beruang kutub, sampai rambut serabai pon tak perasan) selalunye merayau g bilik orang. Tak pun kluar. G main bowling lah. Tgk wayang lah. Pantang ade mase terluang.
Nak buang sampah pun terbawak pen. (ni kes cuak sangat ni)
Agak2 stok megi tu habis kot untuk orang yang gila study. Jimat masa nak turun café masak air je pastu letak megi. Nak budak pandai sikit tak makan megi. Minum milo. Makan biskut hup seng ke, nestum ke. Roti memang dah prepare dah. Suruh mmber beli.
Nak bukak facebook rasa tak senang gila. Perghh. Membazir.masa. (time ni memang tertekan gila. Kena berperang dengan diri sendiri nak bukak facebook, formspring,blog . Sebab laptop depan mata. Kabel/wifi kat sebelah je. Exam minggu depan. Nanti duduk depan facebook memang buku OFF9 terus.)
Time ni ah baru bukak buku tebal. Bukak kamus tu yang tak tahan tu. Masa lecture dulu tak faham tak de hati pulak nak bukak kamus kan. ;P
Asyik-asyik tengok jam je. Sampai tak cukup jam handphone, jam tangan. Tanya lagi mmber sebelah. Haihhh. Keliru sangat budak nih.
Stok Nescafe, kopi tongkat ali, kopi mak dara, cucu dara semua memang ade lah. Nak stay up.
Hah. Ni memang sure. Meja studi bersepah gila. Mana dengan highlighternya. Pen biru, hitam , merah. Kertas-kertas memang confirm bersepah punya. Agak2 ade nota yang hilang tu mula nak naik angin. Buku semua terbukak. Kalau ada buku tambahan dari library tu semua nak dibukaknya serentak. Ada tu 4,5 buku serentak bukak.
Masa ni lah status facebook, blog “mintak maaf. Doakan exam nanti”
Muka blurr je. Sebab otak dah full tank. Makan sorang-sorang pon dah tak heran. Sebab tak nak membazir mase lepak ramai-ramai. Nanti ade je bende nk borak.
Kalau nak cakap pon tersasul-sasul. Salah cakap. Pastu cakap benda merepek je. Muka dah la cam zombie. Cakap merepek.repek sebab otak fikit handout, nota tak baca lagi vs nak jalan-jalan. Nak borak.borak. sampai satu tahap rasa nak rebus buku dengan handout semua. lagi merepek die cakap sebenarnye, lagi banyak topic die tak cover tu.
Time ni jugak lah baru terfikir kenapa lah aku tak study awal2. Kan senang. Haihh. Pastu ada pulak yang buat azam untuk semester depan. Tak nak buat dah macam sem sekarang. *padahal tiap2 sem azam sama. Tak berubah gak. Tak pun menjadi semangat dia masa awal sem je. Sampai minggu ketiga dah hancusss.
p/s; aku rasa even budak pandai yang dah score markah carry marks pon study menggelabah jugak. Cuma diorang steady lagi la dari student yang study last minit. Muehehe. Konklusinya, jangan usik budak nak exam. Cepat je die nak naik darah. Sebab hormone dia semua tengah berlaga-laga. Otak pun dah overload.
Friday, October 15, 2010
If you kiss her, you are a gentlemen
If you don’t , you are no man
If you praise her, she thinks you are lying
If you don’t, you are good for nothing
If you agree to all her likes, you are a wimp
If you don’t, you are not understanding
If you visit her often, she thinks it is boring
If you don’t, she accuses you of double crossing
If you are well dressed, she says you are a playboy
If you don’t, you are a dull boy
if you are jealous, she says it’s bad
If you don’t, she thinks you do not love her
In shorts,
So simple, yet so complex
So weak, yet so powerful
So confusing, yet so desirable
So damning, yet so wonderful…
Friday, September 24, 2010
huh?mcm tu??mcm mane tu??cube dscribe cket...
mule dgn mukaddimah dulu la yek!
==>tahun ni aku dh 20 tahun. kakak2 aku ni hari duk perli aku xde pakwe. naik rimas aku dibuatnye..(ni la yg susahnye kalu ade rmai kakak)..diorang ni sibukla duk keneng2kan aku dgn kwn diorang la...ape la..
then bile aku ckp aku xmau kawen, mula la diorang bg ceramah kat aku."Rasul xmengaku umat kalu xmau kawen"-ha!ni je la modal diorang...dh diorang ckp mcm tu aku nk ckp pe lagi kan...
xcukup dgn kakak..dhn adek lg sorang, lelaki buatla care lelaki...xyah la nk membebel kat aku mengalahkan org pompuan dik oi...duk cbuk nk suh aku jd pompuan..ape?x pompuan lg ke aku ni??rasenye aku x tukar jantina lg...dlm surat beranak pon tulis jantina aku pompuan...
walaupon rimas! tp kadang2 bile fikir balik, terharu gak ngan diorang ni...aku ingat diorang xsayang least diorang 'care' jugak la kan...'concern' mksd aku..haha
aku pon bukannye xnak dgr ckp aku selesa dgn idup aku skrang...'loose' je..simple but nice!hahaha. xyah nk fikir bnyk2...
RAYER 2010!!
==>raye tawon ni aku mulekan dgn azam baru. tibe2 aku terbangun dr mimpi yg panjang..(ceewwaaah ayat xleh blah). ye la dh rimas ngan diorang duk cbuk aku xde pkwe ni satu hal..ngan ceramah bab nikah kawen lg..last2 aku ckp aku nk kawen umor 40!time tu aku dh ade sume bende, korang nk carikan aku 'laki' cari aku nk anak yatim piatu!sebatang kare!korang cari la kat mane2 rumah ank yatim kat Malaysia ni.(ceit!demand...dpt yg adek-bradek 20 org baru pdn muke!)haha.
huish!berbalik pd criter rayer...raye tawon ni aku dgn tibe2nye rase nk jd perempuan melayu terakhir...hahahahahaha! aku tengok kakak aku 'make-up'..aku pon, kakak aku tlg make-up la nk buat sndiri bukannye aku aku jln pon dh lmbut ckit...hahahaha...nk jd ayu la katekan...smpai ade satu kali tu, bapak aku tegur...(ni yg kakak aku citer) abah aku kate,"ai, kiroh pon panda doh ssobek leni"..SOBEK=SOLEK...aku xtau nk tfsir ayat abah aku mcm mane...nk kate puji, mmg x r kan..perli??maybe, coz xpenah2 aku mcm ni..mesti die ingt aku dh ade pakwe..XMAU!!
ntah!aku pon xtau mcm mane tibe2 leh muncul azam rayer tahun ni nk jd lebih ayu..lepas cuti raye, rajin pulak aku pkai baju kurung g kelas..dhla naik, aku rase aku suke la perubahan baru aku ni..hahahahaha
hopefully org sekeliling aku pon suke...
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Loving YOU…
Lovin' you is easy cause you're beautiful
Makin' love with you is all i wanna do
Lovin' you is more than just a dream come true
And everything that i do is out of lovin' you
La la la la la la la... do do do do do
No one else can make me feel
The colors that you bring
Stay with me while we grow old
And we will live each day in springtime
Cause lovin' you has made my life so beautiful
And every day my life is filled with lovin' you
Lovin' you i see your soul come shinin' through
And every time that we oooooh
I'm more in love with you
La la la la la la la... do do do do do
originally sang by minnie riperton
really luv this song…best song ever!!
Monday, August 30, 2010
1st day-kuar g pasar...beli brg nk masak tuk buke pose n tuk buat kuih rayer..pasar bentong bg aku best!barang sume segar2...ikan pon diorang jual idup2...aku xsmpai hati nk beli tp beli gak..coz kalu x nk makan pe ye...hehehe.
pastu aku jumpe satuu kenderaan ni..cute giler!mule2 aku ingat vespa..alih2 rupe2nye basikal elektrik...majoriti org2 kat sane pakai basikal tu...diorang ni mmg bagus r..haha
g pasar raye jumpe budak cine ni..-kmbar- diorang ni cumey giler!!
1st day mkn ikan patin gulai tempoyak...hohoho
2nd day mkn ikan siakap 3 rase
last day mkn mcm2..dah lupe daa..ape menu utame..hahaha
cume yg sedihnye xleh g mandi sungai kat air terjun sdare aku xbagi..bukannye pe skrang ni kan sbuk ngan kes air kencing tikus tu..bahaye!!
xpe2..lain kali leh g lagi...
tp pendapat aku...kalu korang nk menetap kat bentong ni..aku sokong!!hahahaha
Thursday, July 29, 2010
baru2 ni aku balik kg…ade test kete jpj…dah lulus dah pon…after 2 years i’ve finally got my license!!hohoho(gelak bangge).
time tu kat kg aku duk sengsorang je kat umah…2 mlm aku tidor sorang2 je kat umah tu beb…seram mmg la seram dh terpakse…
duk umah tu plak borink nk mampos!ye la aku xbawak balik lappy n tv lak dah xde astro..(naseb baik tv tu diorang xmansuhkan je.) sedang2 aku mencari fail sijil kakak aku nk bawak balik S.Alam tetibe aku terjumpe buku esei aku time fm 4 n fm 5…bile aku bace balik wah…teringat kenangan lame…lepas ni aku ingat nk post esei2 aku tu kat sini…walaupon bukannye bagus sgt tp aku nak share ngan korang je…sbb 90% drpd esei2 aku tu adalah berdasarkan pengalaman n ikhlas dari hati aku sendiri…hahaha skema pelik je..
Saturday, July 17, 2010
ni ape yg iffa kate:
“p/s : ade org kutuk english sy teruk. hey! at least sy coba oke untuk mengENGLISH kan lidah sy nii. apa? you punya english hebat tahap dewa kah? fyi, lecturer sy penah ckp, 'igt mat saleh yg duk speaking tuu,english dye oke sgt ke? alaaa,dyorg pon same ngan kite. so tak slh kalau kita berspeaking even broken tahap dewa. at least kita mencoba ! kalau kite pergi negara omputih, kite berSPEAKING dgn dyorg, dyorg takan ckp WEY! UR ENGLISH IS SOOO BROKEENNNN ! HAHAHAHAAAA. tade dyorg nk ckp mcm tuuu oke. mat saleh yg dtg negara kite pun ckp malay broken kan? so coba untuk mengIMPROVE kan english yek! :)”
i’m definitely agree wit u la my fren..aku kat sini pon ade la sorang dua perangai yg suke memperlekehkan n underestimate (padahal makne 2 ni same je) org lain.
mcm die tu bagos sgt….kalu mg nk tau fa..ade gak yg kate org terengganu ni xreti BI..padahal..yg amik TESL tu majoriti budak terengganu beb!
broken english better la kan…drpd xleh speaking langsung…kan?kan?
diorang ni kalu nk bercakap xguna otak….pikir pakai lutut barangkali…
Friday, July 16, 2010
oh tidak!
i juz finished watching ‘sky of love’..i guess if you all suddenly feel like wanna cry but the tears didn’t come out, you all should try watching ‘sky of love’.
of all japanese dramas that i watched, ‘sky of love’ was the second drama after ‘one litre of tears’ that i shed my tears a lot….i’m not the kind of person who can burst into tears everytime when i watch sad story i feel relieve after that..haha..
hahaha forgot what to say already!!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
cili mulut tu kang…
ntah sape la yg buat fitnah ni…
dibagitau nye kat abg aku yg aku ni kuat berjalan kat s.alam ni…
cube korang tanye kawan2 aku kat cni..bile masenye aku kuat berjalan…
xpaham aku!
kalu kat terengganu tu aku leh trime la coz mmg aku xlekat kat umah pon…
ye la kan…balik terengganu time cuti je…cuti lak bukan panjang pon…
so time cuti tu la nk qadha sume tempat yg kat sane n xde kat s.alam ni…
stakat g umah kawan2…pantai…tu je pon…
dengki ckpla dengki kan…
Monday, July 12, 2010
love letter tijah
dulu time2 skolah…femes giler citer ni..tiap2 tahun teacher BI citer kesah ni…kitorang pon walaupon dh tau buat2 je la kononnye baru tau..hahaha…
actually aku ade terbace surat cinte sorang junior aku ni..geng aku la yg tunjuk..
bukannye kitorang sengaje…dah meja die n bf die sbelah kitorang je…hehehe
kitorang pon intai2 la ckit…
aku ingatkan kisah tijah ni sekadar citer ade jugak yg lurus bendul pegi tiru..kalu dh xreti BI tu tulis je la dlm die tu bukannye mat sallleh mcm si tijah ni pon…hahahaha
iskh3x..jahatnye aku gelakkan org…astaghfirullah al-azim…
Thursday, July 8, 2010
buat renungan sesame kite…
Siapakah orang yang sibuk? Orang yang sibuk adalah orang yang tidak mengambil berat akan waktu solatnya seolah-olah ia mempunyai kerajaan seperti kerajaan Nabi Sulaiman a.s
Siapakah orang yang manis senyumanya? Orang yang mempunyai senyuman yang manis adalah orang yang ditimpa musibah lalu dia kata "Inna lillahi wainna illaihi rajiuun." Lalu sambil
berkata,"Ya Rabbi Aku redha dengan ketentuanMu ini", sambil mengukir senyuman.
Siapakah orang yang kaya? Orang yang kaya adalah orang yang bersyukur dengan apa yang ada dan tidak lupa akan kenikmatan dunia yang sementara ini.
Siapakah orang yang miskin? Orang yang miskin adalah orang tidak puas dengan nikmat yang ada sentiasa menumpuk-numpukkan harta.
Siapakah orang yang rugi? Orang yang rugi adalah orang yang sudah sampai usia pertengahan namun masih berat untuk melakukan ibadat dan amal-amal kebaikan...
Siapakah orang yang paling cantik? Orang yang paling cantik adalah orang yang mempunyai akhlak yang baik.
Siapakah orang yang mempunyai rumah yang paling luas? Orang yang mempunyai rumah yang paling luas adalah orang yang mati membawa amal-amal kebaikan di mana kuburnya akan di perluaskan saujana mata memandang.
Siapakah orang yang mempunyai rumah yang sempit lagi dihimpit? Orang yang mempunyai rumah yang sempit adalah orang yang mati tidak membawa amal-amal kebaikkan lalu kuburnya menghimpitnya....
Siapakah orang yang mempunyai akal? Orang yang mempunyai akal adalah orang-orang yang menghuni syurga kelak kerana telah mengunakan akal sewaktu di dunia untuk menghindari siksa neraka..
Siapakah org yg KEDEKUT ? Orang yg kedekut ialah org yg membiar atau membuang email ini begitu sahaja, malah dia tidak menyampaikan pula pada org lain.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
memories.. never end…
As we grow up,
we learn that even the one person
that wasn't supposed to let us down,
would probably will!
we will have our heart broken more dan once,
n its gonna be harder everytime..
we will fit in the most terrible ways
with our best friends (obviously gonna patch up again.:D).!
we will have a thousand crushes,
over a million cute faces that we would see
and do a trillion stupid things,trying to figure out
is HE/SHE the special one ?
we will eventually find our special one,someday
and experience the most beautiful feeling in our hearts-love..!! ♥
we will remember the day
when we got the number of our special one,
and texting he/her that first message
re-reading what we just texted,
another one hundred times n waiting for a hopefully beautiful reply..
and the day we had our date
we will run all crazy
figuring out the different permutations n combinations
of all the wearable stuff in our wardrobe
& still would remain apprehensive of our looks
to the moment that special one compliments us...
we will cry,
coz time is passing too fast,
n we will eventually be away
from the ones we love.!
So click up n capture evry moment..
live,laugh n love ♥,
like u have never been hurt
coz every 60 seconds spent upset,
is a minute of happiness
we never would have back with us..
i love to remember the day u become my lover,
but i hate to remember the day i found u play fool on me..
i miss u,
but i hate u..
i need u.. but i didn't want u..
i want to begin a new love story,
not with u.. not with playful guy like u,
i'm stupid enough give my trusty to u...
luckily i just like u but not going crazy on you..
luckily i just love u but my heart is not for u..
the greatest pain that comes from love is loving someone you can never have...
fearing life is gonna end someday,
fear IT will never BEGIN again..!!" :))
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
in reply to this from iffa liyana
ce bwk molep siket !
firstly, kiroh ! I nk mtk maap yek smlm.
I dop napok siket u bwk moto kot celoh tu.
haha. maklom la I rabun tahap dewa dh kiroh.
sbb tu I pkai spek tu :)
n satu lg silau I makin parok leni.
smlm kiroh aku taleh tdo bile mikir balet hal tu.
kah kah kah.
bole plop mu muncul kot celoh tu yek.
aku pun dop bape nk perasang sgt mu lalu kot tu.
sory der, aku mmg dop napok siket mu.
tibe tibe mu muncul kot celoh tu.
p/s :
kiroh, *ce bwk moto molep siket. jgn gop belucah sgt :P *
firstly, maap mu diterima…
aku pon xnapok gop mg hahaha adek aku kabo tu mg…
maklum la aku bwk motor bukannye tengok kiri kanan…tengok jalan je..hahaha
aku pon kejut gop tibe2 kete mg muncul…yg penting aku xleh nk undur dh sbb aku kona dh ekpom time tu…
mg pon…xtinggal dh ruang cket tuk aku lalu celah tu…kesian katku masuk dlm tu…kepit antare kete mg ngan pagar rumah orang tu…terhuyung-hayang skali nk v stabil ke motor aku…dhla adek aku berat blakang…tp tuan rumah tu bodo gop…nk wat pagor pon…jgn r sapa kite nk kona xnapok depan…dari dulu g aku nyumpah pagor tu..hahaha
tu slow dh aku bwk tu…seb baik aku bwk slow…kalu aku suh adek aku bwk aku rase accident dh kite…sbb adk aku bawak laju…hahaha
aku pon xleh tido gop mlm fikir ke mg…suke sorang aku hahaha…xleh trime ngat rase…incident ni…hahaha
p/s :
iffa, *ce bwk gop kete molek ket…jgn gop mkn ruang ngat kona…hahaha…*
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
cakap lebih kurang je…
sal(kakak aku num 2) ckp lebih kurang je ngan abah aku…ye ingat ye tu sape??
aku rase nk sepak2 je..kalu aku jd abah aku lame oh aku sepak…
aku pon bukannye baik sngt…tp sakit ati aku kat bapak sndiri pon xde r nk ckp tinggi2 suare kat abah aku…
aku yg xcakap tinggi2 suare pon abah aku leh terase ati ngan aku inikan plak yg tinggi2 suare ngan ye…
ckp elok2 ckit xleh ke???-nk je aku ckp mcm tu td…..
DASAR PEREMPUAN MENOPOSSS!!-dari aku kecik smpai aku besar, x abis2 ngan perangai mood swing dier tu! duk dllm hutan xmoh….
karoke kotak
dua hari berturut2 aku g karoke bersama farah, mckuey n ada..hahahaha
bukannye pe…borink tahap gile babi duk kat umah…bile diorang dah ajak..aku on je..haha
aku ni pantang diajak kuar jalan2…hahahaha
yg penting kitorang melalak smpai sakit tekak..siap bwk air buat standby..hohoho
betape gigih nyer kami2…hahaha
20 buah lagu kitorang nyanyi tp still xpuas2….hahahahaha
Friday, May 21, 2010
babi sekor ni mmg nk kena!
garib tadi balik dari umah amer makan laksa…ye r kitorang buat suprise hari guru tuk MR. ARM…walaupon kul 7 baru start tp still leh enjoy ckit2..cume masa xmengizinkan je…
so, aku mesej ‘babi’ suh dtg amik aku coz dah mlm. aku nk balik cepat. xsuke dengar kakak aku membebel!sakit telinga! dah die datang aku suh makan dulu.baik punye aku letak laksa dlm pinggan eh die sibuk nk ckp tepon.aku ni xsuke kalu dtg umah org, org dah suh panggil mkn banyak kali tp duk sibuk ckp tepon. dr depan umah amer smpai duk tepi jln duk cakap tepon.
so, aku bengang!aku tinggal.peduli ape aku!mmg buat hilang mood aku je babi sekor ni! aku cakap kat cg ckp lps isya’ dtg balik amik dia. kalu ikut hati nk je aku ckp suh die balik jln kaki! xreti base!
niat dihati nk pukul je smpai mampos! tp kang mase depan aku gelap plak!
dasar babi xsedar diri! ko ingat ko dah besar ke!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
da fourth diary??
sedar xsedar..aku dh ade 4 diari..bukannye ape…aku tau aku ni pasti cepat nyanyuk bile dh tua so aku tulis diary siap2 supaye bile tua satgi aku bace mule la tersengih sorang2 teringat kenangan lame…hahaha
tp malangnye naseb badan…
haish!apehal kepulangan aku kali ni sume malang je!xkesah r tv rosak ke ape ke…tp aku dpt tau diari aku dh kene bakar skali ngan buku2 lame yg dlm laci meja yg abh aku buang tu!hai!naseb…naseb…
tp naseb baik diary aku yg da latest aku simpan kat tmpat selamat…
cume dh lame giler aku xtulis diary. sejak xduduk kat umah aku dh stop tulis la..xkan aku nk bwk diary skali pegi smbung blajar..sbb utame, takot org bace…hahaha
so balik ni aku decide nk smbung tulis kisah idup aku kat dlm diary tu…cume pen yg aku gune tuk tulis diary tu aku dh xingat letak kat mane….diary aku – even pen yg nk digunakan pon kene la ade sentimental value gak…baru mood nk tulis tu ade…hahaha
beza blog aku n diary aku??
oleh sebab blog ni aku buat public so xkan aku nk kutuk n luah perasaan marah aku kat org dlm ni..(cume pd yg aku yakin diorang xkan buke blog ni je aku tulis dlm ni.hahaha!)
so bende2 tu sume aku tulis kat diary aku. aku kutuk ke…puji ke…cerite sedih ke..cerite hepi ke..sumenye dlm tu.
baik-buruknye famili aku…kawan2 aku…sumenye kat dalam tu..
kalau la kawan2 aku bace(yg terlibat je la), mungkinkah diorang masih nk kawan ngan aku?tp walaupon aku tulis sume tu, xbermakne aku xtrime mereka sbg kawan…baik-buruk mereka aku terima seadanya…walaupon kadang2 menyakitkan hati and buat kepale aku serabut…nobody is perfect.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
lucky or unlucky??
semangat berkobar-kobar aku balik kampong semate2 nk conquer tv! nk tengok world cup…badminton…G7…music bank…DLL.
tp betape hancussnye harapan bile bukak jek pintu rumah,
TV TAKDE!! ROSAK kate adekku…
menangis xberlagu la jawabnye…
hidupla aku di rumah kebosanan…
tiap2 hari ckp ngan dinding..pintu..tingkap…
nk on9, mls nk g byr brdband
nk amik lesen, motor adek aku gune g skolah
tepon pon xberbunyi…
main PSP?? huh! smpai nk muntah skrang dah asyik 24/7 je ngadap PSP…
nmpaknye juz tggu org mesej ajk kuar jln2 je la…
Saturday, May 1, 2010
naked man
td lebih kurang kul 1 pagi aku bersame-same geng2 umahku kuar main badminton depan umah…
tengah kitorang main…tibe2 time aku nk serve, aku terpandang ke belakang. sbb aku dengar bunyi mcm org berlari…so aku nmpak ade seseorang ngah berlari ala-ala jogging kuar dr simpang hujung…
aku tenung je org tu sbb pelik.apesal die lari xpakai baju.pastu ‘berpeluh’ kat area ‘tut’ je…skali bile dh nk dekat die berbogel daa….kitorang pon lari la lintang-pukang masuk umah…
tp aku smpat tengok die lalu depan umah aku smbil aku tutup pagar…hahaha
aku tak rase die org gile…mule2 aku ingat die kene rompak tp bile fikir balik mcm xlogik..coz die xmintak tolong pon….housemate aku ckp maybe die lari dari JAWI kot…
tp siyes r….baik punye naked org tu…hahahahaha
kejadian ni berlaku lebih kurang kul 1.50 pagi….aku rase lepas ni konfem dh serik main badminton lewat2 mlm….kurr semangat…!!
Thursday, April 29, 2010
…pist of..
buat aku sbg seorang kawan risau…
jgn salah faham dh r…marah sbb aku still syg kwn aku…bukan sbb jeles…
nasib baik bukan adik aku!terketar-ketar sbb tahan marah tu cume kalu aku terlampau nk marah smpai tangan nk naik….(for da 1st time aku hmpir nk kuar air mate sbb terlampau marah tuk tahun ni!)
tp slame ni pon aku treat ko bukan sbg kwn…sbg adik walaupon ko lbih tua dr aku 2 bulan…n ko pon bukannye kwn yg kalu slame ni jumpe pon or selisih tp jln juz stakat say hi n senyum je…kwn yg rapat ngan aku n yg lain2 yg rapat ngan aku kat uitm ni.kalu kwn stakat jumpe tepi jln senyum je..xde maknenye aku nk marah kalu ko kuar xmesej sepatah pon…
stakat nk membebel bg nasihat tu bukan cara aku…tau fikir sndiri…dh besar jgn smpai nasi dh jadi bubur baru nk menyesal…dh terlambat dh time tu…lain kali jgn la buat lg…kalu mak ko tau of coz la die risau…bygkan perasaan die ko kuar satu hari n xmesej die…tak ke haru jadinye…aku rase mak ko dh pegi balai report ank die hilang lari ngan bekas pakwe…
haish!!!kawan aku yg comel ni bikin aku risau!!!
Saturday, April 17, 2010
don't judge a book by its cover
luaran nmpak ok xsemestinye dalaman pon ok gak...
aku xsemestinye hati aku pon senyum..
aku xsemestinye hati aku pon hepi..
aku xsemestinye hati aku pon tengah gelak..hahaha!
tp jgn salah faham...aku bukan hipokrit!
aku cume xnak bg org sekeliling aku risau..or getting affected by my feeling.
juz like i'm always getting affected by people around me..
dat's why aku sgt2 xsuke org bengang depan aku..bad mood depan aku...nangis depan aku..xcakap elok2 dgn aku..-i hate these kind of feelings but i can't help myself getting affected by these feelings!
too much to say but maybe next time i'll continue..
these two weeks..i kind of feel a little bit pressure..
getting annoy to people surrounds me so easily...
feel like wanna hit someone..wanna mad at someone...
kadang2 org tu xbuat salah ngan aku pon...aku rase nk marah org tu...
ape salah diorang??tp nk buat camne...emosi x terkawal...unstable...
skrang dah start behave mcm sikap aku yg dulu...
cepat naik darah.
dlm sekelip mate tibe2 leh bengang ngan org..tangan pon dah start nk 'naik'..
need to do something about this...or else i don't know what will happen in the future...
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
telor aym = 0
hah amik kau!slalu sgt makan telur ayam kan...hari ni dpt sbijik...
berserah aje la...nk nangis pon xgune walaopon hakikatnye sape xterkilan kalu dpt telor aym..bende dh jd...masing2 buat la post mortem terhadap diri sndiri...aku x salahkan org lain coz aku sndiri pon salah...xpayah nk letak kesalahan kat org lain kalu kite sndiri pon salah gak...
life is fair enough!serve myself!
so, renung2kan...selamat beramal....hohoho..
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
sem depan die ajak duduk skali dgn kakak aku sorang lagi...
nak memang la aku dh janji xnak pindah...
plus aku duk asing or ngan diorang pon same je...kene g kelas ngan bas gak..
memang r ngan diorang lg selesa..nk ckp or mintk tolong pon boleh ckp lepas je...
kalu gaduh pon, skejap je..pastu baik balik...
cume kalu duduk ngan kakak2 aku...konfem aku start malas lg..cukup r kat umah je aku malas...aku dh xnak bergantung ngan diorang.sume kerja rumah diorang buat..
bile aku duk sndiri, sume tu aku buat sndiri...hehehe.kalu x...mesti nk harapkan diorang je...hehehe.
faktor belajar....tu mmg la ngan kawan2 lg senang...
pasal nk enjoy pon..tu aku xkesah coz ngan kakak aku pon aku leh enjoy..xde beza..
cume ngan kwn2 cara enjoy lain...ngan kakak2 aku cara enjoy lain...hahahaha...
so aku decide xnak duduk skali ngan diorang...FULLSTOP!
Thursday, April 1, 2010
assignment koko aku!!
Sports. Everytime I hear about this word I will get really excited. This is because I really love sports. I watch all kind of sports including pool, darts and chess. Well, in an easy word, I watch all kind of sports including boring sports. But now my focus are only in basketball. Why? This is because the topic given for my curriculum assignment is ‘My Favourite Basketball Player’.
Eventhough I enjoy all kind of sports but I don’t really know much about them. But if you asked me about badminton, soccer and Formula One, that I can answer confidently. So, I don’t really know much about basketball. In basketball world, there are only three players that I remember the most till today plus there are my favourite players.- Michael Jordan, Yao Ming and Sue Bird.
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Among these three, I like Sue Bird the most. Not because she is woman. The first time I saw basketball game when I was form two. I cannot remember Seattle against what team but I remember Sue Bird. At that time she still a rookie. I was amazed by her because she was the shortest player at that time. However, she can shoot for three points at a far distance gracefully and she looked so flexible. That is why I like her.
But when I searched for her in the internet last time for this assignment, I was so shocked. I think I have not seen she plays about four years already because my mother cut the sports channel for my SPM preparation and I cannot watch television during matriculation. Why I was so shock? That is because she is taller than me now and she has gained a lot of achievements now. I will talk about that later.
First of all I would like to share with you about Sue Bird’s personel background. Her full name is Suzanne Brigit Bird. Sue Bird is her nickname on her jersey. She was born on 16 October 1980 in Long Island (Syosset), New York. She is the youngest of two children to Herschel and Nancy Bird. Her height now is 175cm and weight is 68kg. She wears number 10 because her sister Jennifer and her were both born in October. Jennifer was also a basketball player during high school. Sue Bird started playing AAU basketball in the sixth grade. She studied in University of Connecticut(UConn) in communication science major and was named to the Dean’s list. She was named as the Best Female College Athlete of the Year at the 10th annual ESPY Awards on 10th July 2002. She was a member of the gold-medal winning 2002 US Women’s World Championship Team in China. She was also named as the Female Sports Star of the Year by the Seattle Post-Intelligencer at the 68th Annual Sports Star of the Year awards banquet on 27th January 2003.
That is general. Now let’s go more details. Sue Bird played her freshman and sophomore years at Syosset High School. But she wanted more competition so she decided to enroll at the basketball powerhouse which is Christ The King Regional High School in Queens, New York that produced many well-known basketball stars like Jayson Williams and Speedy Claxton. Sue Bird spent two seasons there and the Royals (her team)went undefeated in both seasons. In the second season, her team won the New York state championship and the national title. She won many awards including the New York State Player of the Year and the New York Daily News Player of the Year. She was named as a Women’s Basketball Coaches Association (WBCA) All-American. She participated in the WBCA High School All-America Game where she scored eleven points.
After finishing her high-school, she chose UConn over other universities like Stanford and Vanderbilt because it was close to her home and the UConn program had the winning tradition like the one at Christ the King. She gained renown while playing as the point guard for the UConn women’s basketball team (Huskies) from 1998 to 2002. She led them to NCAA titles in 2000 and 2002. While playing for the Huskies, Sue Bird was feared most as a three-point shooter and also at the free throw line where she averaged over 90% of her free throws in her sophomore and senior seasons. She finished her college career on many record lists. She was named as the Naismith winner and College Player of the Year in 2002. She currently ranks number one in three point field field goal percentage (45.9). She has won two National Championships, three Big East Championships and Big East regular season titles. She was also the inaugural winner of the Nancy Lieberman Award in 2000, given to the top point guard in the nation and won the award in 2001 and 2002. Overall her record at college in games she played is a remarkable 114-4. She was also a member of the inaugural class (2006) of inductees to the University of Connecticut women’s basketball “Huskies of Honor” recognition program. Below is her statistics at UConn.
1998-99 8 16 41 0.316 6 19 0.316 3 4 0.750 16 2.0 25 16 1 15 160 41 5.1
1999-00 37 140 279 0.502 72 145 0.497 53 59 0.898 94 2.5 160 80 1 69 1052 405 10.9
2000-01 34 137 309 0.443 60 139 0.432 35 45 0.778 89 2.6 169 88 4 63 941 369 10.9
2001-02 39 198 392 0.505 69 148 0.466 98 104 0.942 131 3.4 231 93 9 96 1168 563 14.4
Totals 118 491 1021 0.481 207 451 0.459 189 212 0.892 330 2.8 585 277 15 243 3321 1378 11.7
Sue Bird was the first player chosen in the 2002 WNBA Draft by the Seattle Storm. She was also the first point guard to be the top pick in the league’s history. In her rookie season, she was selected as a starter on the 2002 WNBA Western Conference All-Star team. She led the Storm to their first playoff appearance. Since that, she has been selected to the Western Conference All Star team. In 2004, she helped the Seattle Storm win its first WNBA Championship. By winning that, Sue Bird became one of the seven women to receive an Olympic Gold Medal, a NCAA Championship and a WNBA Championship together with Ruth Riley, Sheryl Swoopes, Cynthia Cooper and fellow Huskies- Swin Cash, Kara Wolters and Diana Taurasi.
For international, Sue Bird competed with USA Basketball as a member of the 2000 Jones Cup Team that won the Gold medal in Taipei. In the 2003 – 2004 off-season, she was named to the United States 2004 Women’s Olympic Basketball Team’s core roster and she was the youngest player of the nine players. The team would go on to win the gold at the games in Athens. In the 2004-2007 WNBA off-season, she played in Russia reaching the Russian championship and the Euroleague women’s playoffs. In 2008, she was invited back to be on the 2008 Olympic Basketball Team and the team has won the Gold medal in Beijing. In 2009, Sue Bird was invited to the USA Basketball Women’s National Team training camp. The team selected will play for the 2010 FIBA World Championship and also the 2012 Olympics is usually chosen from these participants. As a result of the training camp, the team will travel to Ekaterinburg, Russia where they compete in the 2009 UMMC Ekaterinburg International Invitational.
Actually, there are a lot more achievements that Sue Bird has achieved and also during these years of she plays basketball, she was also suffered from many injuries including serious injuries. But still, those will not make her give up on her basketball career. However, that experience has made her become a tough and better player. I hope that she will be really successful in her basketball career and gain more achievements. I end up my essay with one of the articles that I chose as reference.
Just the Facts Roster & Bios Schedule & Results Stats Features History Media Guide
Sue Bird
Position: Guard
Height: 5'9" / 176 cms.
Weight: 150 lbs. / 68 kgs.
WNBA Team: Seattle Storm
School: University of Connecticut '02
NOTE: As of October 14, 2009
• Printable (PDF) bio
USA Basketball Notes:
Gold Medals: 2009 UMMC Ekaterinburg International Invitational, 2004 & 2008 Olympics, 2008 FIBA Diamond Ball Tournament, 2007 FIBA Americas Championship, 2002 World Championship, 2002 Opals World Challenge, 2000 R. William Jones Cup.
Silver Medal: 2007 FIBA World League Tournament.
Bronze Medal: 2006 FIBA World Championship.
Honors: Named to the 2008 FIBA Diamond Ball All-Tournament Team.
• Aided the USA National Team to a 3-0 mark and the gold medal at the 2009 UMMC Ekaterinburg International Invitational.
• Named to the 2009-12 USA Basketball Women’s National Team on Aug. 17, 2009.
• Member of the 2008 U.S. Olympic Team that captured the USA’s fourth consecutive gold medal with a perfect 8-0 record; started all eight games and averaged 3.0 ppg., 2.3 rpg. and 1.8 apg.
• Aided the USA National Team to the 2008 FIBA Diamond Ball gold medal and a 3-0 slate prior to the Olympics against Latvia and eventual Olympic bronze and silver medalists Russia and Australia, respectively; averaged 8.0 ppg., 3.0 rpg., 1.7 apg. and 1.7 spg., and was named to the All-Tournament Team.
• Is one of only eight players to have earned an NCAA title, a U.S. pro championship and Olympic gold medal. Swin Cash, Cynthia Cooper, Andrea Lloyd [ABL], Ruth Riley, Sheryl Swoopes, Diana Taurasi and Kara Wolters round out the list.
• Started all eight games of the USA’s 2007 College Tour, averaged 9.0 ppg., 2.3 rpg. and 2.9 apg.
• Aided the 2007 USA Select Team to a 3-2 record and the silver medal at the 2007 FIBA World League Tournament in Ekaterinburg, Russia, averaged 7.2 ppg. and 3.0 apg. and collected the award for the tournament’s best guard.
• Member of the 2007 USA FIBA Americas Championship Team that competed in Valdivia, Chile, posted an unblemished 5-0 slate, captured the gold medal and qualified the United States for the 2008 Olympics; started all five games and averaged 5.6 ppg., 3.8 rpg. and 4.0 apg.
• Prior to the FIBA Americas Championship, aided the USA to a pair of victories against the Australia National Team, averaged 9.0 ppg., 4.0 rpg. and 3.0 apg.
• Named to the 2007-08 USA Basketball Women’s National Team on March 6, 2007.
• Attended part of the USA’s 2007 Tour of Italy training camp, but was unable to compete due to her team’s EuroLeague schedule.
• Member of the 2006 USA World Championship Team that posted an 8-1 record and took home the bronze medal; averaged 7.7 ppg. and finished as the tournament assist leader (4.6 apg.).
• Aided the U.S. to a 56-49 exhibition victory over eventual World Championship gold medalist Australia.
• Member of the 2006 USA Basketball Senior National Team for the USA's March 2-9 European Tour; started two games and averaged 5.0 ppg., 3.0 rpg. and 2.0 spg.
• Member of the 2004 U.S. Olympic Team that rolled up an 8-0 record en route to winning the gold medal in Athens.
• Was on hand as the USA compiled a 16-0 exhibition record during the USA's Olympic preparations, averaged 4.4 ppg. and 3.7 apg. in the 13-game spring tour and 6.0 ppg. and 1.7 apg. in the USA's three pre-Olympic games.
• Helped the 2002 USA World Championship Team capture gold in China with an unblemished 9-0 record.
• Aided the U.S. to a 4-0 slate and the 2002 Australia-hosted Opal World Challenge title prior to the Worlds.
• Playing back-up to international veteran Dawn Staley and eventual ‘02 All-Worlds selection Shannon Johnson, averaged 3.3 ppg. in Australia and upped that to 4.3 ppg. at the ‘02 Worlds.
• Member of the 2000 USA R. William Jones Cup Team that posted a perfect 4-0 record in Taipei, Taiwan, and earned the gold medal; started all four games and passed off for a team high 4.3 apg. and added 2.0 ppg. and 2.5 rpg.
• Returned less than two months later as a member of the 2000 USA Basketball Select Team that competed against the eventual gold medal winning 2000 U.S. Olympic Team in an exhibition contest in Hawaii.
Professional Notes:
• Drafted: No. 1 in 2002 by the Seattle Storm.
• WNBA title: 2004
• All-WNBA first team: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005
• All-WNBA second team: 2008
• WNBA All-Star Games: 2002, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007 (injured), 2009
• WNBA All-Decade Team: 1997-06
• During the 2009 WNBA season averaged 12.8 ppg., 2.5 rpg. and a league-leading 5.8 apg. to aid Seattle to a 20-14 slate and a second place finish in the Western Conference.
• Helped propel the Storm to the 2008 playoffs and a 22-12 record, despite missing reigning MVP Lauren Jackson for the final 13 games of the season, and was the third-leading vote-getter for 2008 WNBA MVP honors.
• Aided the Storm in 2007 to a 17-17 record and the Western Conference playoffs and capped the 2007 season ranked third in the league for assists (4.9 apg.).
• After returning from Athens, helped lead the Storm to a 20-12 slate and the 2004 WNBA crown.
• Helped her 2002 team to its then-best record and first playoff berth in franchise history as Seattle finished in fourth place in the Western Conference with a 17-15 record.
• Was the second leading vote getter for the 2002 WNBA Rookie of the Year honor.
• EuroLeague titles: 2007, 2008, 2009
• Russia Superleague titles: 2007, 2008, 2009
• EuroLeague All-Star Game: 2008
• Competed the last three years for Spartak Moscow Region with USA teammate Diana Taurasi, also played alongside Tina Thompson (2006-07 and 2007-08) and Sylvia Fowles (2008-09) and helped Spartak capture three consecutive EuroLeague and Russia Super League championships.
• Returned to Spartak Moscow Region to play during the 2007-08 season, aided Spartak to a 15-1 EuroLeague record and the team’s second straight title, averaged a EuroLeague third-best 4.6 apg., while adding 9.1 ppg. and 3.9 rpg. Her squad also captured the 2008 Russia Superleague crown.
• Competed for Moscow Spartak Region in 2006-07, averaged 4.1 ppg., 1.9 rpg. and 2.1 apg. in aiding Spartak to the 2007 EuroLeague and Russian League titles.
• Spent the 2004-05 and 2005-06 seasons competing in Russia for Moscow Dynamo, where she helped her team to the 2005 and 2006 EuroLeague quarterfinals.
Collegiate Notes:
• During her four years (1999-02) at Connecticut, the Huskies posted a 136-9 record (93.8 winning percentage), won a pair of NCAA crowns (2000, 2002) while advancing to four NCAA Tournaments, including the 2001 Final Four, and earned four Big East regular season and tournament titles.
• Was the 2002 Naismith Player of the Year and 2002 Wade Trophy recipient, named 2002 Player of the Year by the Associated Press (A.P.) and U.S. Basketball Writers Association, and also was presented with the first annual Senior C.L.A.S.S. award in 2002, which is bestowed upon the nation's top senior basketball player.
• Earned the 2002 Honda Award as the Women's College Basketball Player of the Year and collected the 2002 ESPY as the top Female College Athlete of the Year.
• Earned 2000 and 2002 All-Final Four honors, named the 2002 NCAA Mideast Region Most Outstanding Player and to the 2000 NCAA All-East Regional squad.
• The 2002 Big East Player of the Year; 2002 and 2001 All-Big East first team; 2000 All-Big East second team; 2002 Big East All-Tournament.
Personal Notes:
• Born on October 16, 1980, hails from Syosset, New York.
• Daughter of Nancy and Herschel Bird, has one sister, Jennifer.
• Wears No. 10 because she and her sister were both born in the 10th month of the year.
• Attended Christ The King H.S. (N.Y.), where she was the MVP of the 1998 New York state tournament, and also led her squad to a 27-0 record and the USA Today national crown.
• Named to the 1998 Parade Magazine All-America first team and the USA Today All-USA second team.
• A multi-sport athlete and National Honor Society member in high school, earned varsity letters twice in soccer and once in track.
• In 2003 was voted by Seattle sports fans to replace SuperSonics and 2000 U.S. Olympic Team guard Gary Payton's billboard at the entrance of Seattle's Nike Town. She not only beat out Sonics guard and 2000 Olympic gold medalist Ray Allen, the runner-up, but also Lance Armstrong, Mia Hamm and Marion Jones.
• Earned her degree in communication science.
• Spent part of the 2003-04 off-season helping to coach a team comprised of eighth-graders in a Bay Area youth league.
• During her seasons in Russia, has learned some Russian phrases and knows her way around Moscow’s top sushi restaurants.
USA Basketball Statistics
09 WNT 3/ 3 8- 24 .333 1- 10 .100 2- 2 1.000 7/ 2.3 19/ 6.3 14 0 2
08 OLY 8/ 8 10- 31 .323 2- 10 .200 2- 4 .500 18/ 2.3 24/ 3.0 14 0 14
08 DIAM 3/ 3 9- 14 .643 4- 7 .571 2- 2 1.000 9/ 3.0 24/ 8.0 5 0 5
07 COLL 8/ 8 24- 52 .462 12- 26 .462 12- 12 1.000 18/ 2.3 72/ 9.0 23 0 5
07 FWLT 5/ 5 13- 26 .500 6- 14 .429 4- 4 1.000 11/ 2.2 36/ 7.2 15 0 7
07 TOA 5/ 5 11- 22 .500 2- 7 .286 4- 4 1.000 19/ 3.8 28/ 5.6 20 1 10
07 WNT 2/ 2 7- 15 .467 1- 3 .333 3- 4 .750 8/ 4.0 18/ 9.0 6 0 5
06 WC 9/ 9 27- 56 .482 10- 20 .500 5- 8 .625 13/ 1.4 69/ 7.7 41 1 12
06 WCX 1/ 1 3- 6 .500 0- 1 .000 0- 0 .--- 2/ 2.0 6/ 6.0 3 0 1
06 WNT 3/ 2 5- 10 .500 3- 4 .750 2- 2 1.000 9/ 3.0 15/ 5.0 6 0 3
04 OLY 7/ 0 9- 30 .300 2- 16 .125 0- 0 .--- 6/ 0.9 20/ 2.9 8 0 2
04 OLYx 3/ 0 7- 15 .467 2- 6 .333 2- 2 1.000 3/ 1.0 18/ 6.0 5 0 4
04 WNT 13/ 0 22- 53 .415 10- 30 .333 3- 4 .750 28/ 2.2 57/ 4.4 48 1 16
02 WC 7/ 0 9- 27 .333 4- 12 .333 8- 8 1.000 7/ 1.0 30/ 4.3 3 0 6
02 OWC 4/ 0 6- 16 .375 1- 4 .250 0- 0 .--- 5/ 1.3 13/ 3.3 4 0 1
00 SEL 1/ 1 0- 5 .000 0- 1 .000 0- 0 .000 2/ 2.0 0/ 0.0 3 0 0
00 JCUP 4/ 4 3- 13 .231 1- 3 .333 1- 4 .250 10/ 2.5 8/ 2.0 17 0 5
Totals 86/51 173-406 .426 61- 174 .351 50- 62 .806 175/ 2.0 457/ 5.3 235 3 98
WNBA Statistics
2009 31/31 154- 377 .408 54-150 .360 35- 41 .854 78/ 2.5 397/ 12.8 179 3 47
2008 33/ 33 172- 390 .441 47- 137 .343 74- 85 .871 84/ 2.5 465/ 14.1 169 3 39
2007 29/ 29 118- 276 .428 45- 133 .338 22- 26 .846 57/ 2.0 303/ 10.4 143 8 43
2006 34/ 34 137- 333 .411 56- 153 .366 59- 68 .868 102/ 3.0 389/ 11.4 162 5 61
2005 30/ 30 130- 294 .442 45- 103 .437 59- 69 .855 72/ 2.4 364/ 12.1 176 6 29
2004 34/ 34 151- 326 .463 64- 146 .438 73- 85 .859 106/ 3.1 439/ 12.9 184 5 51
2003 34/ 34 155- 368 .421 49- 140 .350 61- 69 .884 113/ 3.3 420/ 12.4 221 1 48
2002 32/ 32 151- 375 .403 57- 142 .401 102- 112 .911 83/ 2.6 461/ 14.4 191 3 55
Totals 257/257 1168-2739 .426 417-1104 .378 485-555 .874 695/ 2.7 3238/ 12.6 1425 34 373
College Statistics
2002 39/ 39 198- 392 .505 69- 148 .466 98-104 .942 131/ 3.4 563/ 14.4 231 9 96
2001 34/ 34 137- 309 .443 60- 139 .432 35- 45 .778 89/ 2.6 369/ 10.9 169 4 63
2000 37/ 37 140- 279 .502 72- 145 .497 53- 59 .898 94/ 2.5 405/ 10.9 160 1 69
1999 8/ 8 16- 41 .316 6- 19 .316 3- 4 .750 16/ 2.0 41/ 5.1 25 1 15
Totals 118/118 491-1021 .481 207- 451 .459 189-212 .892 330/ 2.8 1378/ 11.7 585 15 243
Friday, March 19, 2010
x up-to-date
n time tu gak aku baru tau yg kat DC ade kiosk jual novel2 ALAF21...
kalu aku tau, dh lame aku pegi. agaknye tiap2 mggu pegi kot.kalu tiap2 hari melampau r kan...
tp bile pk2 balik...bile dh dpt tau ni...habesla duit aku...biase aku spend RM50++ tuk novel saje tiap2 to avoid this, aku nk kuatkan azam aku supaya xjejakkan kaki ke kedai2 buku g. n stakat ni Alhamdulillah xmasuk kdai buku g.harap2 leh kekal smpai aku nk beli novel baru!!!Hwaaaaa!!!!
frust lg! dhla esok xleh tengok music bank!sia2 penantian aku mggu ni!aku nk tengok SNSD buat comeback kat music bank.lagu baru diorang-run devil run.1st time diorang nyanyi lagu ni kat tv ptg esok...dahla live.nk tggu ulangan maybe 2 mggu akan dtg.arghh!!!!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
i neen to reformat my 'kepale otak'!!Sekarang ni otak aku berade dlm saat2 genting.kalu dbiar lame2 leh meletop!so i need to avoid anything around me now including all my frens here!!
serabut!!serabut!! n sangat serabut!!
korang tengok muke aku cam xde masalah dalaman je kan?...
korang tengok luaran je...dlm hati aku je yg tau. even korang pon camtu kan...btol x?haha
jgn salah faham...aku bukan lari dr masalah..aku mane ade masalah. cume fikiran sekarang serabut dgn sume bende kat sekeliling aku perlu kuar sebentar dr 'ruang' ni..
bile dh reformat otak aku ni...xde masalah la nk handle ngan sekeliling aku. korang nk cari gaduh ngan aku ke ape ke...aku xkan kesah..coz time tu aku dh ok.hahahaa
skrang ni please la jgn cari pasal ngan aku or citer masalah korang yg leh buat aku serabut kepale!kang ader yg lebam biji mate kang.
sape yg susah?aku gak yg susah!
nmpak je aku ok kan...buat pepe kat aku pon aku tenang dlm hati nk je aku belasah org tu smpai xleh bukak mulut dh!dia ingt die sape nk ckp kurang ajar ngan aku!aku bls balik tp aku buat dlm nada gurauan tp aku btol2 mksdkan ape yg aku ckp!kalau brani sepak r!!stakat sepak ngan mulut..ade aku heran!
hey!kalu nk cari gaduh leh sori r bebanyak!aku dh cukup letih nk gaduh ngan kalu teringin gak, bile2 mase je aku on!
go to hell la BONGOK!!!!
Sunday, March 14, 2010
first of all, i would like to apologize to all my friends.bcoz i was kind of not myself last few days..(days??maybe weeks kot.haha)it's not like i am bored with u guys but i don't's sad that when you think you knew yourselve but suddenly you don't even know yourselve anymore. like there was another syakirah inside me..uuu...creeepy!
feel like wanna rebel!burst out!
feel like wanna smash something or beat someone!!anyone??volunteer maybe..haha
the worst is..i really wanna cry!!but it wouldn't come out!BLOODY HELL!!
if before i was angry at myself and also most of my friends..(serabut giler!!) but today, one word only-JEALOUS.ermmm...why?
well you know...small matter...
mya spend the day with her mom...and so do being at home doing nothing.
what about that?
well..bcoz MOM of coz..i also wanna go out and spend the whole day with my mom...however, the funny thing is i don't have mom!my mom died-16/3/2007.before SPM. if my mom was still alive..maybe every week i see her.(if she's stay here la..if terengganu of coz la, juz call la..)why i'm so easily become sensitive about this??before this i was not like this.(dulu hati keras mcm batu.xde perasaan.sekarang perkara kecik pon leh terase.)
i wish i could pause and go back to the time where my mom is still healthy.da time when everyday i played badminton with her and abah..played 'congkak' with her..i really miss da time when i fetch her everyday at her school..wah!!!gosh, i wish i could!
too many things i wanna write..but maybe later la kot.hahaha
Saturday, March 13, 2010
12 Ways to Know That You Love Someone
You talk with him/her late at night and when you go to bed you still think of him/her.
You walk really slowly when you are with him/her.
You don't feel Ok when he/she is far away.
You smile when you hear his/her voice.
When you look at him/her,you do not see other people around you. You see only him/her..
He/She is everything you want to think.
You realize that you smile every time you look at him/her..
You would do anything to see him/her.
While you have been reading this, there was a person in your mind all the time..
You've been so busy thinking of that person that you didn't notice that number 7 is missing.
You are going to check above if that's true and now you are silently laughing to yourself.
kecewa ke??
harini sepatutnye aku lwn badminton...SAP sygnye partner aku xdpt join coz mak die nk dtg...
aku nk buat camne kan...terpakse r tahan hati bg xyah agak kecewa r...
(tukar mood jap!!)
semalam aku berjaya membeli buku colour2!!hahaha..jgn salah faham..aku beli buku ni ade sbb.semenjak 2-menjak ni aku moody ckit..kejap hepi kejap sedih kejap bengang kat org kejap rase nk tumbuk org..nk musnahkan benda nk bg hilang tension xde bende yg leh aku musnahkan. so aku decide beli buku tu tuk hilangkan tension aku.FOKUS kat buku tu leh buat aku tenang kejap..(tp aku x colour pon g..haha)
(tukar mood balik.)
nk luahkan perasaan kat cni mcm xleh je..takut diorang bace..hahahahahaha
coz aku tau once aku luah bende yg buruk2 kuar..nk tulis kat diari aku..diari ader kat umah..bnyk giler benda2 yg aku xsuke aku tahan dlm hati...maybe sbb tu la asyik mood swing kot.
tp senyum n act like i'm hepi slalu leh lupakan masalah n tension, dat's better la.hahahaha
maybe i should open another blog n make it as privacy??...hmmm...i'll think about it.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
kite gak xleh nk puas ati ngan sume org kan...
so pepehal kene la trime n redha je kan...
tp kalu kite je yg try nak brubah tp org sekeliling kite xcuba nk come??
kalu stakat mulut je berkate-kate tp xbuat..xgune gak kan...
learn how to 'give n take' la kononnye outcomenye ape? USELESS!!
kalu dh asyik kite aje yg 'give' tu plak asyik nak 'take' aje...wat's da point of dat?? still, USELESS!
kadang2 nak jugak merase org lain plak yg 'give' kite plak yg 'take' kan...baru la adil kan...
no wonder la dunia x aman2..sbb terlalu ramai sgt wujud manusia yg slalu je nak menang kan...idup dh bertahun2..skolah pon dah bertingkat2...xkan rule ni pon xtau...(xtau ke..buat2 xtau..atau mmg xpenah nk ambil tahu.)
diorang ni kan..xpenah nk muhasabah diri ke? xpenah nk cube perbaiki diri ke arah yg lebih baik ke? atau mmg xmahu berubah?
kalu nk selalu menang la kan..ape kate korang duduk je dlm hutan tu sorang2..konfem mmg selalu menang la kan..coz xde manusia lain lg dh dlm hutan tu selain ko!(aku juz bg pendapat je..terpulang la nk ikut ke, kalu nk ikut..ha!elok sgtla tu!nk aku tlg hantarkan pon xpe..)
kalu tiap2 hari face org mcm ni aku leh jd gile la kan...bengang tu slalu la kan. nsb baik xmerase hari2..hopefully not la...kang aku Xplode kang...yg susahnye sape? aku la jugak la kan..sape yg nak kwn ngan budak 'rampage' kan...
so, duhai hati...ko sabar la dulu yek..jgn nk mengade-ngade nk Xplode plak!
P/S: coretan ini xde kena-mengena dgn yg masih hidup mahupon yg telah meninggal dunia...hehehe.(ye ke??--hanya aku je yg tau..)
Friday, March 5, 2010
i'm back!!!
bulan yg mood pon swing semacam je...kejap ok kejap x ok...
tp hari ni mood ok...coz semalam aku teringin nk makan sup bebola ikan yg mak aku slalu buat tuk aku harini aku try buat sndiri...hmpir2 xjadi tau!but thnx to nadia i cooked it!hahaha...(dia suh aku buat..)
tu kire feveret aku la kalu mak aku masak selain dr tomyam..wah!!!rindunye nk makan tomyam mak aku!!mak aku nyer tomyam paling best...coz she knows me better than anyone else..dia tau aku sgt2 xsuke masam tp org lain suke tomyam die tengah2..aku xpenah rase g kat tmpat lain even kat kdai pon..
td aku buat sup bebola ikan..bebola ikan ni bukan yg dalam packing tu tau..buat sndiri dgn ikan mentah...sgt best!aku xsangke aku leh buat walaupon rase xsame ngan mak aku nyer...huhu
so kire terubat la kempunan aku tu...hihihi
Monday, March 1, 2010
duit oh duit!!!
alhamdulillah r PSP aku xrosak..(baru 2 bulan lebih beli kot!!)
tp yg fed-up nye...memory card yg rosak...hampeh!!
then terpakse beli on da spot..seb baik ader duit time tu..
dah burn duit aku RM130!!
hwaaaa!!!!bulan ni kene jimat nmpaknye..
nmpaknye tahun 2010 ni bukan tahun aku la...asyik kene kuarkan duit je...tension!!
Friday, February 26, 2010
Iffa Liyana==>^.^
today i would like to wish you hepi besday!!!!
May Allah bless u....
Smoge panjang umor...N...murah rezeki...
hubungan persahabatan kiter biarla berpanjangan hingga ke akhir hayat....(rindu nk mkn puding mg.hahaha)
tawon depan aku smbung plop wish aku ni...haahahaha
smpan tuk besday mg akn datang..hahah
Sunday, February 21, 2010
kalu aku ckp...takot ade yg ni kan cume luahan hati n pendapat aku terpulang kat diorang la camne nk menilai statements aku...
tp itula masalah terbesar aku...PANDANGAN ORG LAIN TERHADAP AKU.
of coz la i act like my still otak aku ni nk gak fikir psl org skeliling...dh xtau dh nak buat ape...
no wonder la banyak uban kat kepale...terlampau kuat berfikir...kalu fikir 'benda' yg berfaedah leh consider psl camne org zaman dulu latih burung merpati g hantar surat pon nk fikir...BODOH.dah tau 'benda' tu beyond imagination...nk jugak menyusahkan otak ni...camne diorang tau ape yg leh makan n ape yg xleh makan ha??(tibe2 lak terfikir...sowie..)
Friday, February 19, 2010

ni ank sdare aku…yg 1st – Damya Qistina binti Mohd Rafiee
baby tu adek dia..- Marsya Adreanna binti Mohd Rafiee
tahun ni Mya dh masuk 4 tahun..die lahir time aku fm 4…hohoho..
Marsya lahir tahun lepas..skrang ni dh masuk 6 bulan..aku panggil die 'himawari' coz kalu korang tengok shin chan, dia slalu sbut "atatatatata atatatatata"
Begitu la juge si Marsya ni…hahaha
Really luv u both!…^_^!!
[same x muke diorang mase kecik?? Same kan…]gmbar ats tu Mya..yg bwh tu Marsya-cume bezanya Mya mase kecik kuat skrang ni terlebih hyperaktif la plak..Marsya xnangis..senyum je slalu..bile besar xtau la..jd budak baik kot..xterlampau aktif mcm kakak die..i hope not.
Cumey kan???tengok la ank sdare sape…hohoho..hahahaha
No Idea!!
Aku ader citer nk bgtau…tp xtau camne nk tulis…
Sbb tu aku dh lame xbuke blog aku..hahaha
So sowie dear 'sakura'…
Monday, February 8, 2010
hip2 hooray!!!
skrang ni ngah buat hacking practice practice..hahaha
dh semakin mahir huhu..^.^!!
sape yg xtau hacker ni ape mmg la nk kene...hahaha..aku dr kecik lg mmg nk jd aku antare manusia yg pling genius kat dunia ni selain atok aku tu,"albert einstein"(eja pon salah..haha) adalah hackers...
bende2 yg berkaitan ngan komputer ni sgt susah actually...sume nk kene ingt n hafal.korang ingt course engine je susah?? kepale hott kau..hahaha..course aku pon susah..
nk kene buat sistem lg...database...programming..buat cable..blajar buat line internet..blajar camne nk hack sistem org lain...hahaha...sum,e ni susah gak...huhuhu..ape korang ingt course aku ni stakat blajar microsot word or pwr point je ke?hahaha
dh dri dulu minat la 1st choice aku time apply U..hohoho.aku xpeduli org kate course ni dh xde job ke ape ke...'like i care...'hahaha..
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
1.Yang pertama ditulis Qalam adalah BISMILLAH. Maka apabila kamu menulis sesuatu, maka tulislah BISMILLAH pada awalnya kerana BISMILLAH tertulis pada setiap wahyu yang Allah turunkan kepada Jibrail.
2. 'BISMILLAH untukmu dan umahmu, suruhlah mereka apabila memohon sesuatu dengan BISMILLAH. Aku tidak akan meninggalkannya sekejap mata pun sejak BISMILLAH diturunkan kepada Adam. ' (Hadith Qudsi)
3. Tatkala BISMILLAH diturunkan ke dunia, maka semua awan berlari ke arah barat, angin terdiam, air laut bergelora, mendengarkan seluruh binatang dan terlempar semua syaitan.
4. Demi Allah dan keagunganNya, tidaklah BISMILLAH itu dibacakan pada orang sakit melainkan menjadi ubat untuknya dan tidaklah BISMILLAH dibacakan di atas sesuatu melainkan Allah beri berkat ke atasnya.
5. Barangsiapa yang ingin hidup bahagia dan mati syahid , maka bacalah BISMILLAH setiap kali memulakan sesuatu perkara yang baik.
6. Jumlah huruf dalam BISMILLAH ada 19 huruf dan malaikat penjaga neraka ada 19 ( < > QS.AL Muddatsir:30) .Ibnu Mas ' ud berkata: ' Sesiapa yang ingin Allah selamatkan dari 19 malaikat neraka maka bacalah BISMILLAH 19 kali setiap hari. '
7. Tiap huruf BISMILLAH ada JUNNAH (penjaga/khadam) hingga tiap huruf berkata, ' Siapa yang membaca BISMILLAH maka kamilah kekuatannya dan kamilah kehebatannya. '
8. Barangsiapa yang memuliakan tulisan BISMILLAH nescaya Allah akan mengangkat namanya di syurga yang sangat tinggi dan diampunkan segala dosa kedua orang tuanya.
9. Barangsiapa yang membaca BISMILLAH maka akan bertasbihlah segala gunung kepadanya.
10. Barangsiapa yang membaca BISMILLAH sebanyak 21 kali ketika hendak tidur, maka akan terpelihara dari gangguan syaitan, kecurian dan kebakaran, maut mendadak dan bala.
11. Barangsiapa yang membaca BISMILLAH sebanyak 50 kali di hadapan orang yang zalim, hinalah dan masuk ketakutan dalam hati si zalim serta naiklah keberanian dan kehebatan kepada si pembaca.
Anda ada dua pilihan sama ada:
1.biarkan dalam inbox anda tanpa bermanfaat utk org lain..
2.anda sebarkan @ forwardkan pada semua kenalan anda. sabda Rasulullah, ' siapa yang menyampaikan satu ilmu dan orang yang mengamalkannya maka dia akan beroleh pahala walaupun sudah tiada.... '
meera ouh meera!!+nadia ouh nadia!!
i can get along with meera bcoz....perangai die mcm kombinasi abah n arwah mak aku..hahaha..i dun mind kalu nk kene dengar die punye bubbling n nagging tu almost everyday...bcoz dat'll make my life lebih teratur...shaq tu..shaq ni...shaq tu...shaq ni...i dun mind as long as it's not over da boundaries as friends.
knape aku ckp die same mcm mak aku?hahaha...sbb mak aku xpernah berhenti nagging...(time die sakit je xnagging).actually mak aku lebih menakutkan berbanding meera..sbb tu la aku xkesah kalu meera nk nagging dpn aku walaupon benda tu bukan aku yg buat..dgr je la...xkesah sgt..sbb ape yg dia nagging tu benda yg betul n aku juge stuju.n buat aku lbh memperingati diri aku supaya xbuat benda2 tu...hahaha.
kalu dulu time mak aku ader, die yg slalu decide sesuatu tuk aku coz aku mmg xpandai buat keputusan..(smpai skrang).bile dia dh xde, ape jadi?idup aku dh jd xteratur..confident level?=0!
nadia??kalu nk tulis kat cni japgi konpem lain kali aku citer knape nadia..hahaha...nadia jgn mare...hihihi
so i need someone yg ade sifat kepimpinan yg tinggi(mcm meera n nadia) tuk buat idup aku lbih teratur..ala senang citer,selain life wouldn't be perfect without them..+ iffa n ARM United!!hahaha
ringkasnye, i need meera to discipline myself n i need nadia to forget all my problems/sadness??/stresses??hahaha...N i need both of them to gain my confident level...hahaha!
stakat ni je lu..
p/s:kalu korang xpaham ape yg aku tulis ni...jgn tanye..aku je yg paham ape yg aku tulis..hahahahaha
Monday, February 1, 2010
like I care!!-Cruella DeVille Version
i dun mind kalau die nk bubbling ke pe ke....xkesah...tadah je la telinga kan...
tp yg buat aku bengang...kenape mesti nk kaitkan BINI die??what the HELL!!(bukan bapak aku...BINI ye.)stakat bini die je...bukannye mak kandung aku pon smpai aku nk kene cium kaki die ke ape ke...'pen tan!'.dia ingat die raje ke ape.
sape lg yg gatal mulut bgtau bapak aku yg aku xsalam ngan bini ye kalu x 'setan' tu!!!ape!ko ingat ko penting sgt ke?heellllloooooooooooooooooooo!!go to hell la bangang!
N ape kaitan aku xsalam ngan die dgn aku accident??die tu bukannye mak kandung aku pon...BONGOK.bapak aku pon satu...bukannye nk tanye aku ni ok ke x ke...die mention psl bende ni i care!!
dulu aku dh bgtau die, kalu dh aku xsuke(benci dlm erti kate lain) aku xsuke smpai aku mati!yg bapak aku ni nk pakse2 aku knape??xpaham aku...dah la BINI ye tu depan je baik...belakang mengutuk...bapak aku ni bute agaknye...xsedar2 lg perangai bini ye tu mcm mane...
kete dh ader 2 buah tp nk jugak naik yg kakak aku punye...lepas tu canang kat satu kmpong kate kakak aku kedekut xbg pinjam kete..habis?yg die naik tu ape??kalau kedekut xde ye die dpt naik...BODOH!
then, die bgtau kat org yg kakak aku beli kete pkai duit die..hellooooo!kakak aku buat loan ngan pihak bank pkai slip gaji sndiri ok!byr kete ngan duit die sndiri ok!BONGOK!
PENGHASUT TERBAIK!(patut bg award kat setan ni!)
bapak aku kate cuti rayer cine ni xyah balik...
dahla...citer wat sakit ati je...
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Ngeee~miss my mom!!~
arini xramai org kat umah...almost half of my haousemate dh balik umah yg tinggal cume aku,ana,faten,aizzah,shira,mek,nina n yg lekat kat umah cume aku, ana, aizzah n faten...k.farah kerja...nina, mek n shira da modul...kul 6 td diorang skrang kuar lg...hohoho...aku xkesah...asal diorang selamat sudaa...
pokok pangkalnye,bukan ni yg aku kn citer...haritu aku accident lg...hari rabu malam...aku baru je nk enjoy kaki aku baru sembuh...xsampai sebulan pon kaki aku sembuh...haish!kali ni xlanggar kete...cume yg sadisnye..aku naik motor org...n nadia kat belakang...nasib baik die xde pepe...kalu x, seumur idup la ku rase bersalah...
ape yg paling aku terharu, hari aku accident tu aku dapat tau bapak aku teringat kat aku...conok giler!!hihihi..mesti r sonok..coz bapak aku mane nk syg aku lg...dia kan dah ader bini baru..dah ader anak baru...mane nk ingat kat aku ni...yg slalu ikut die pegi kerja(bapak aku bawak lori kecil)...tolong die baiki motor...lampu rosak...masukkan ayam dlm reban...teman die mesin padi...tolong die buat kandang lembu(skrang dh jd kandang kambing)...bagi mkn ayam..lembu..arnab..kambing..DLL.
tu zaman arwah mak aku ade...time tu aku mmg baik ngan bapak lepas mak aku meninggal aku berubah...aku sendiri perasan dgn perubahan aku tp aku xtau mcm mane nk reset balik idup aku..dunno where to begin with.lepas mak aku meninggal, aku jd seorang yg sgt3x degil...'memberontak'.kurang ajar..cakap lepas...DLL.
mak aku meninggal hari jumaat(maghrib)..tanam hari sabtu...hari ahad aku terus pegi skolah cam biase...xkan la nk sedih2 kat skolah i act like i'm happy but deep in my heart...hancur luluh!hari tu aku xnangis langsung...lepas tu airmate dh xkuar...dh kering...but when time passes...i become more n more sensitive...tengok citer yg xbrape nk sedih pon boleh nangis...bengong btol!kalu tengok citer pasal mak die mati konfem air mate ni kuar...hahahahaha..when i'm doing more n more bad things, now i hate myself a lot!
sape kate aku xsyg mak aku...aku cume xpress syg aku terhadap mak aku dgn care lain...slalu cari masalah dgn mak aku so dat i would have her attention.tiap2 hari aku kacau mak aku..itulah aku...bile syg aku xkan belai die bagai tatang minyak yg penuh...aku buli org yg aku syg.aku kacau org yg aku pd mase yg same aku protect diorang.hohoho.cume yg aku kesal smpai bile2 ialah aku xpernah cakap kat mak aku yg aku syg die...never say sori to her...n yg paling sedihnye, 16 march 2007 ialah da first n last kiss to my mom..da day she died.ok!now i'm gonna start crying...the last word she told me was "jaga adek" n da last word dat i told her was "jgn r gini!sape nk jage adek kalau mi xde??mi xsayang adek ke??".
eventhough aku rapat ngan bapak aku insan yg paling memahami aku ialah mak aku...she's d only one would understand me better than her.skrang, wapaupon aku ade 8 org adek bradek...aku rase mcm aku ditinggalkan keseorangan...sbb diorang langsung xpaham aku n xpernah nk paham aku...contohnye..
bile mak aku ader:
-"nak asam?oren?"(bile ade org bg aku bende2 ni)
-mak aku akan kate,"kakak(aku) xmakan bende2 masam xcept tomyam...dia pon xmakan budu,tempoyak,belacan,cencalok,jeruk..DLL"
(my mom knows everything bout me)
bile mak aku xde:
-satu hari kakak aku masak gulai aku juz makan nasi + kicap.diorang tanye kenape xamik kuah..aku cakap aku xmakan gulai tempoyak..n diorang akan kate,"eleh ngade!choosy!budak kampong celup r konon..."
(sume bende yg aku buat diorang akn kutuk..xpernah nk puji or being supportive!)
xsampai setahon mak aku meninggal bapak aku nk kawen time ni aku mengamok tahap giler babi!!!aku rase mcm nk bunuh bapak aku!!aku sngat2 benci die smpai pandang muke die pon aku xsudi!kalu dh muke bapak aku sdiri aku sakit hati apatah lg muke betine gatai nk mampos tu!!sbb perkara ni la aku mula renggang ngan bapak aku..dia mule brubah..die lbih pentingkan betina tu dari ank sendiri...die dh bertukar jd seorang yg pentingkan diri sdiri n ego die makin bertambah2..die ingt ego die je tinggi...kalu ego die tinggi..ego aku lg tinggi...(ke mane xtumpahnye kuah kalau xke nasi...)bapak aku kawen time aku exam spm..n yg sadisnye...pd besday adek aku.macammane aku xsakit hati...
so tuk mengurangkan tahap kebencian aku...aku menjauhkan diri dr umah aku..aku smbung blajar kat matrik pahang.cuti aku xbalik umah.aku duk umah mak sedare aku.hari pak sdare aku meninggal n hari raye je aku balik..supaye aku xbertembung dgn bapak aku n betine ni!sampai skrang pon aku still benci kat betine ni!!!!
cume sekarang aku dh xbrape nk benci kat bapak aku dh...cume kdg2 ade r bile diorang pakse aku buat benda yg aku salam ngan bini die!macam mane aku nk salam ngan betine tu kalu nk buat2 memaniskan muke dpn die pon dh xboleh.langsung xboleh pandang die!!
ti haritu kitorang gaduh balik...sbb aku pegi sg tong tanpa persetujuan r..sejak bapak aku dh xtinggal serumah ngan kitorang...kadang2 aku lupe yg aku masih ade ayah...sbb die pon jarang balik aku ke yg patot dipersalahkan??
b4 die kawen die ugut kalau kitorang xstuju die xnak jd wali kalu kitorang kawen nanti...time tu nk je aku jawab,"peduli ape.aku xyah r kawen.xpun tggu abah dh xde baru kawen.xpon dunia ni kiamat dulu b4 kitorang kawen!" tp kate2 tu xkuar...ko nk mampos kuar ayat2 tu???hahahahahaha.ayat tu cume lekat kat kerongkong je...hahahaha
kepada sesiape yg masih ade mak tu...hargai la mak korang...jgn la marah2 kat diorang walaupon diorang salah...coz ajal tu bile2 mase leh dtg tnpa kite sedari..jgn korang menyesal ats perbuatan korang plak pastu...dh xguna dh...aku juz nk ingatkan je...
Friday, January 29, 2010
~Kenangan Terindah~
mencangkung kat tepi parit dgn classmates semua kat seblah...
ingat tak, misi kat skolah masuk kelas dgn list dentist appointment. Pastu bunyi gigi member
kite kene gerudi kat bilik sebelah. ada gigi yang berlubang, kene laa tampal.
ni sure korang igt...program minum susu di skolah. nak galakkan budak2 time tuh minum susu.
sekotak 30 sen jek beb...
cikgu2 kalau nak denda, mesti guna pembaris panjang warna kuning tu.. pukul tapak tangan... kan ?
semangkuk mi sup ke, mihun sup ke, 50 sen jek kat kantin.
time skolah menengah, korang sure beli kasut skolah Bata BM Turbo atau Pallas Jazz.
ada yang suka kasut high-cut yang buatan china tu...ada yang suka stoking tebal laaa...
internet? email? Menda alah ape tu?
CD? ape tu? kaset tape penah laa dgr..
Tiket wayang pun 5 inggit je.
kite pegi kedai runcit, beli Chickerdis, Mamee, Kum Kum, UFO, O-Ya, Ding Dang chocolate balls
yang ada mainan kat dlm die, 'telur' keras warna warni, 'rokok' chewing gum, KIKI Bubble Gum.
tak dilupakan, 'Ti Kam'.. bile dah abih exam, main Monopoly la, Donkey la, Happy Family laa dlm class.
tapi bunyi loceng laa yang paling best skali. boleh beli aiskrim ngan apek kat luar skola tuh...
lagi satu loceng masa nak pegi rehat. tinggal kan keje skolah, jom kita pegi makan.
budak2 yg dpt Rancangan Makanan Tambahan (RMT) mesti kluar awal.
lagi satu yang seronok mase time Pendidikan Jasmani, PJ. main bola laa, rounders laa...
permainan kegemaran, main guli, batu seremban, penutup botol, batang aiskrim, 'Pepsi Cola one-two-three',
'Police & Sentry', main kejar2 duduk...
kita hilangkan dahaga dgn aiskrim 10 sen. yang tube aiskrim, ada byk2 color tu. kalau nak makan, kene
patahkan kat tengah2 die!
lipat kertas kecik2, pastuh buat lastik. pun kita main dulu ni. baling2 kapur laa.
hmm...budak2 skarang, bagi diorg, diorg mane penah dgr lagu 'We Are the World, We Are the Children...'
dan lagu 'Uptown Girl' yang diorg tau, yg Westlife nyanyi.....bkn Billy Joel nyanyi...
bagi diorg, ada satu je Jerman kat dunia ni, dan ade satu je Vietnam.
AIDS wujud sejak diorg lahir.
CD pun wujud time diorg lahir.
Michael Jackson dah putih dah time tu.
Diorg percaya Spiderman dgn Incredible Hulk tu filem2 baru.
Diorg tak bley bayangkan skrin hitam putih utk sebuah komputer.
Diorg tak penah tau pun 'Atari' dgn 'Game & Watch'.
Diorg tak percaya penah ada TV hitam putih... dan diorg skarang tak reti nak switch on TV kalau xde remote control.
dan diorg tak paham macam mane kite boleh survive dkt universiti tanpa handphone...
hmm...jom kite check, kite ni dah tua ke:
1. korg paham ape yang korang baca kat atas ni, dan korg sure tersenyum
2. kebanyakan member2 skolah menengah kite dah kawin
3. korg sure pelik bile nengok bdak2 kecik main komputer, selamba je
4. kita geleng kepala bile nengok bdak2 skolah menengah guna handphone
5. kita dah tak byk sembang2 dgn member melalui telefon lagi setiap hari
6. bile jumpe member lame dari semasa ke semasa, seronok bile bersembang pasal cerite2 lame, cerite2
kelakar yang kite alami mase dulu time kecik2, nakal2 dulu...
7. last skali, bile dah bace testimonial ni, korang akan terpikir utk forwardkan dkt member2 lame korg.
Sure diorg suke punye laa...hehehe
Thursday, January 28, 2010
semalam aku accident lg...
memang la takut!!!dahla bawak ank dara org kat belakang(paling2 takot!), second, tu motor org...
tapi kali ni..nasib baik aku elak..kalu langgar kete tu..habis la duit aku...
yg xtahan g tu..bangun je dr 'slide' tu..terus je bangun kutip halia...hahahahaha..
lepas tu terus pegi klinik...baik punye tempat kitorang accident..btol2 dpn klinik..hahaha
dlm klinik keje kitorang gelak je...coz nk cover takot punye pasal...huhu.ini la yg aku slalu buat bile ade problem or nervous or takot...(tp kalu jumpe hantu xkan la tu pon nk gelak kot..hahahaha).sbb bg aku bile kiter senyum n bergelak ketawe..secara automatic masalah or perasaan tu akn hilang...sbb tu aku punye moto-'bile hadapi masalah walau sebesar mane pon, senyum je dgn tenang..' sbb kalu korang menangis bgai nk rak pon...masalah tu boleh selesai ke??-senyum n gelak ketawe dgn tenang tp dlm pd mase yg same berfikir.kalu korang menggelabah..itu akn memburukkan lg keadaan..(ceewwaaaah,mcm kaunselor lak se..hahaha)
alhamdulillah la tuan punye motor xmengamuk...kalau x habesla aku....
luka lame blom baik sepenuhnye g tp dh tmbah lg luka baru...tempat same lak tu...
yg pasti kejadian kali ni xleh bgtau family aku..adek aku je tau pasal ni...hahaha.
kenape ye..??
coz kalau diorang tau..aku akn kene marah lg teruk.diorang xkan tnye 'aku ni ok ke..' 'kat mane luka..' 'teruk x?..' la..aku ni bukan sape2 pon pade kali ni aku xcakap..
tp yg paling xbrape nk patot...ubat mahal giler!!!RM115 bile campor 2 org...naseb baik akak tu byr..sepatutnye die xyah byr..or xpon..byr dh die byrkan...aku ne leh tolak...selamat duit aku...hihihi
aku brami tulis kat blog ni sbb aku dh block family aku dr bukak blog aku...huahuahua...kalu korang perasan la aku ade tulis kat ats tu..hahaha...
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
[mandi air terjun]
semalam g mandi air terjun kat ulu yam...tak jauh pon...dekat je..dr s.alam ke sana..1 jam kalu g ngan kete la...kalu jalan kaki xtau la bile leh smpai...hahahaha
yg penting best giler!!!walaupon aku cume main air syok!!
kitorang bertolak dr umah sewa aku lbh kurang kul 2.30...smpai sane lebih kurang kul 3.30 lebih...wah..lame gak r kitorang mandi...lbih kurang kul 6 ptg baru pegi mmg 'feveret' aku...hahaha.
ni kitorang mkn nasi n kari kepale ikan..ikan siakap tu...abg aku pancing sndiri...
best oh......duk cni 2 jam..kul 8 kitorang balik...smpai umah abg aku lbih kurang kul 9 lbh...
ni le hasilnye...
tp actually kan..abg aku tangkap belut je..(credit to my bro la..coz tangkap belut dgn tangan je..hahaha).then, lepas tangkap belut tu...ader la couple tu dtg...dlm ramai2 org pancing ikan kat sana..diorang je bnyak dpt yg paling best kan...diorang bg ikan tu kat kitorang..hahaha...sume plak lain dh tengok pelik dh..(jeles r tu) r camne tak jeles...diorang berjanggut tggu ikan..alih2 kitorang yg bru smpai ni dpt free je ikan...6 ekor plak tu...hahaha..tuah belut kot..(thnx tu belut...hihihi)
tp cube korang fikir...xsia2 ke korang pancing ikan...tggu punye la lame...alih2 korang bg ikan yg korang pancing tu kat org lain...xpelik ke kerje tu???
ah!yg penting tu dh rezeki kitorang...huahuahuahuahua!!!!
Sunday, January 24, 2010
aku anak jati terengganu..n aku bangge jd anak terengganu!
jd bile org komen sesuatu yg negatif pasal terengganu...(xkire la psl ape2 pon...even bende remeh..)...rase mcm nk xplode!!!!
tp bile fikir keadaan sekeliling...then, i said to myself,"please control ur anger..".
now, i realize something..i've changed a little bit.kalu dulu, bertindak dulu sblum berfikir...skrang aku berjaya berfikir dulu sblum bertindak...hahahahahaha
[Congrats to myself!!]
maybe bcoz aku brade di negeri i kindly behave of myself a little bit...huhuhu
but it's'll make me more mature than before..still childish(dun wanna change dis one!) but not as childish as before...thnx to myself n also people surround me...hehe
(iskh!!!aku tulis blog ni sokmo lari tajuk!nk tulis pasal lain tp bile dh syok mnulis tu....lari topic la plop...)